Fat in Cheshire Cheese

Cheshire Cheese
Cheshire Cheese: Fat (grams)

Cheshire Cheese (1 oz)
10 g
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

View Full Nutrition Label for Cheshire Cheese

Cheshire Cheese Nutrition Facts Label

Use our 'Nutrition Label Tool' to create a complete nutrition label for this food. The cheshire cheese food label will look just like what appears on a carton of milk. Our food labels include over 30 nutrition facts including Fiber, Fat, Protien, Calories, Vitamins, and more.

Fat Values for Similar Foods

Blue Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Brick Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Brie Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Camembert Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Caraway Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Cheddar Cheese (2 ounces)
20 g
Cheshire Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Colby Cheese (2 ounces)
20 g
Cottage Cheese, Nonfat, uncreamed, Large Or Small Curd (2 ounces)
0 g
Cream Cheese (2 ounces)
20 g
Edam Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Feta Cheese (2 ounces)
10 g
Fontina Cheese (2 ounces)
20 g
Goat Cheese, Semisoft Type (2 ounces)
15 g
Gouda Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Gruyere Cheese (2 ounces)
20 g
Limburger Cheese (2 ounces)
15 g
Mexican Cheese, Queso Chihuahua (2 ounces)
15 g


Cheshire Cheese Nutrition Facts

For more more facts about this food, try our cheshire cheese food facts page.  Need to know the total number of carbs there are in 15 ounces of cheshire cheese.. or 15 cups, or 15 tablespoons?  Go to this page and find the specific food item you are interested in.  Then enter the quantity and unit value in the input form on the food detail page - then click 15 ounces of cheshire cheese.. or 15 cups, or 15 tablespoons.  A food label for this food will be displayed on the page which was created using the values you added.