Fat in Daiquiri

Daiquiri: Fat (grams)

Daiquiri, Canned (1 can (6.8 fl oz, 200 ml))
0 g
Daiquiri, Prepared-from-recipe (1 cocktail (2 fl oz))
0 g
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

View Full Nutrition Label for Daiquiri

Daiquiri Nutrition Facts Label

Use our 'Nutrition Label Tool' to generate a complete nutrition label for daiquiri. This tool will create a food label that looks just like what appears on a cereal box.

Fat Values for Similar Foods

Beer, Regular (10 ounces)
0 g
Daiquiri, Prepared-from-recipe (10 ounces)
0 g
Gin (10 ounces)
0 g
Rum (10 ounces)
0 g
Vodka (10 ounces)
0 g
Whiskey (10 ounces)
0 g
Pina Colada (10 ounces)
20 g
Tequila Sunrise (10 ounces)
0 g
Whiskey Sour, Prepared (10 ounces)
0 g
Wine, Dessert, Sweet (10 ounces)
0 g


Daiquiri Nutrition Facts

If you need additional more statistics about this food, try our daiquiri food facts page.  Do you need to know how many carbohydrates there are in 8 tablespoons of daiquiri... or 8 ounces, or 8 cups?  Go to this page and click on the specific food item you are looking up.  After this, you simply enter the quantity and unit value - then click the grey button with the caption 'Go'.  A nutrition label for this food will be displayed on the page based on the values you specified.  

Once the 'daiquiri' nutrition label is displayed, create a total for a list of all of the ingredients in your receipe by clicking on the RecipeBuilder button.