Fat in Rennin

Rennin: Fat (grams)

Rennin, Chocolate, Dry Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk (1/2 cup)
4 g
Rennin, Tablets (1 package (0.35 oz))
0 g
Rennin, Vanilla, Prepared with Whole Milk (1/2 cup)
4 g
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

View Full Nutrition Label for Rennin

Rennin Nutrition Facts Label

View a complete nutrition label for rennin. The rennin food label will look just like what appears on a carton of milk. Our nutrition labels include over 30 food facts including cholesterol, sodium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, protein, and more.

Fat Values for Similar Foods

Egg Custards, Prepared with Whole Milk (10 ounces)
10 g
Gelatin, Reduced Calorie (10 ounces)
0 g
Pudding, Coconut Cream, Instant, Prepared with Whole Milk (10 ounces)
10 g
Rennin, Chocolate, Dry Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk (10 ounces)
10 g


Rennin Nutrition Facts

If the fat info is not detailed enough on this page, and you need additional information about this food, try our rennin food facts page.  Do you need to know the total number of carbohydrates there are in 6 ounces of rennin.. or 6 cups, or 6 tablespoons?  Go to this page and navigate to the specific food item you are looking for.  Then simply enter the quantity and unit value in the input form on the food detail page - then click 6 ounces of rennin.. or 6 cups, or 6 tablespoons.  A food label for this food will be displayed on the page which was created using the values you inputted.