Fat in Turtles Candy

Turtles Candy
Turtles Candy: Fat (grams)

Turtles Candy (1 package (6 oz))
50 g
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

View Full Nutrition Label for Turtles Candy

Turtles Candy Nutrition Facts Label

Use our 'Nutrition Label Tool' to generate a complete nutrition label for turtles candy. Simply follow the link above and select the specific food and serving size. Our food labels include over 35 nutrition facts including Fat, Calories, Carbs, Vitamins, Minerals, and more.

Fat Values for Similar Foods

Marshmallows (3 ounces)
0 g
Chocolate Chips (3 ounces)
25 g
30 g
15 g
100 Grand Bar (3 ounces)
15 g
After Eight Mints (3 ounces)
10 g
Baby Ruth Bar (3 ounces)
20 g
Butterfinger Bar (3 ounces)
15 g
Chunky Bar (3 ounces)
25 g
Nestle Crunch (3 ounces)
20 g
Turtles Candy (3 ounces)
25 g
Goobers (3 ounces)
30 g
Raisinets (3 ounces)
15 g
Peanut Brittle (3 ounces)
15 g
Skittles (3 ounces)
5 g


Turtles Candy Nutrition Facts

If you require more more info about this food, try our turtles candy food facts page.  Need to know the number of carbs there are in 13 cups of turtles candy... or 13 tablespoons, or 13 ounces?  Go to this page and click on the specific food item you are searching for.  Simply enter the quantity and unit value on the food facts page - then click 'Go'.  A nutrient label for this food will be displayed on the page for the values you entered.  

Once your 'turtles candy' nutrient label is created, click on the RecipeBuilder button to add it to a running total of multiple ingredients.