Fat in Thuringer

Thuringer: Fat (grams)

Thuringer ()
0 g
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

View Full Nutrition Label for Thuringer

Thuringer Nutrition Facts Label

View a detailed nutrition label for this food. The thuringer food label will look just like what appears on a carton of milk. Our food labels include over 35 nutrition facts including Fat, Calories, Carbs, Vitamins, Minerals, and more.

Fat Values for Similar Foods

Mother's Loaf, Pork (10 ounces)
65 g
Olive Loaf, Pork (10 ounces)
45 g
Pastrami, Turkey (10 ounces)
20 g
Pate, Chicken Liver (10 ounces)
35 g
Pepperoni (10 ounces)
125 g
Picnic Loaf, Pork and Beef (10 ounces)
45 g
Sausage, Pork and Beef (10 ounces)
105 g
Salami, Dry or Hard, Pork and Beef (10 ounces)
95 g
Thuringer, Cervelat, Beef, Pork (10 ounces)
85 g
Turkey Roll, Light and Dark Meat (10 ounces)
20 g
Turkey Bacon (10 ounces)
55 g
Turkey Bologna (10 ounces)
35 g
Turkey Ham (10 ounces)
10 g
Turkey Salami (10 ounces)
25 g
Hot Dogs, Pork, Turkey, and Beef (10 ounces)
40 g


Thuringer Nutrition Facts

For more more info about this food, try our thuringer food facts page.  Need to know the total number of carbs there are in 9 ounces of thuringer.. or 9 cups, or 9 tablespoons?  Go to this page and identify and select the specific food item you are searching for.  Simply enter the quantity and unit value in the input form on the food detail page - then click 9 ounces of thuringer.. or 9 cups, or 9 tablespoons.  A food label for this food will be displayed on the page which was created using the values you entered.